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About Us

I was always disturbed by the fact that in Macedonia, the people with disabilities and dysfunctions have no chance and conditions for their optimal functioning, starting from early childhood until the end of their life. This group feels deprived, ignored and hopeless. For them, few want to speak; even their families are ashamed of them, not to mention the wider environment. Often families who take care of them do not have enough funds for medicines and treatments, and the state does not have enough trained personnel and infrastructure to increase their functionality.

The implementation of children with dysfunction in the school system is slow, without making special educational programs that suit their abilities. There are few employers who are willing to employ people with dysfunction. Those who do not have any close relatives, nor families to accommodate them, end up in institutions that do not suit their needs, and many end up on the street, with little chance to survive without shelter and basic livelihood.

Persons with disabilities should be placed on a pedestal, cared for, respected, loved, accepted and understood. They are here among us, we should not be afraid of them, nor to avoid them. They are our responsibility, for each of us, not just for the state, they are a reflection of our social responsibility and solidarity. Their sorrow, the burden they carry is bigger than our personal sadness and difficulty to help them because of our feelings of compassion. We should lend them a hand, help them and give them wings.

I always wanted to help people with disabilities. I sang for them in many humanitarian concerts, but it is never enough. We need to change things together, and the first thing is to offer them love and understanding.

Together with the members of the association Give us wings, whose member I am and also, I’m one of the founders, we plan to change many things and make a better future for the people with disabilities and dysfunctions.

Rebeka Jankovska Risteski



Give us Wings

Be human, give wings to those who need them the most. Donate on the bank account:
Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje




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Contact information:

e-mail: contact@dajtenikrilja.mk